Is Demand for Interpreter Services rising or Declining in 2020?

Is Demand for Interpreter Services rising or Declining in 2020?


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Foreign language interpreting and translation is one of the most secure career paths there is in 2020. However, Covid-19 has seen demand for interpreter services in some industries start falling.

In June this year, interpreters in Europe began sounding the alarm over declining work as a result of Covid-19. Here, we’ll, therefore, look at how the language interpreting industry is changing as a result of Covid-19. We’ll also look at how interpreters need to adapt to the current interpreting landscape.

Current Demand for Interpreter Services is Location Dependent

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Is demand for interpreter services in decline?

At present, many interpreters in Europe are struggling to find work as a result of the Coronavirus crisis. However, while demand for interpreter services in Europe is in decline, this isn’t the case worldwide.

In places like New York and San Francisco, the first two quarters of 2020 saw a sharp rise in demand for interpreters. More importantly, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics still expects the language services market to grow by 19% between now and 2028.

Why is Demand for Interpreter Services Declining in Europe?

Why demand for interpreter services is declining in Europe at present is simple. The EU has 27 member states. Like here in the U.S., all member states regularly participate in dialogue. However, unlike in the U.S., all dialog is facilitated by teams of hundreds of translators.

  • Almost all 27 EU member states speak different languages. As a result, interpreters are present in all official EU meetings.
  • Political discussions between individual member state representatives are often only possible when an interpreter is present.
  • Overall, official EU institutions are the largest employers of interpreters and translators in Europe.

As a result of Covid-19, most official EU meetings have been canceled this year. Demand for interpreters in Europe has, therefore, declined accordingly. The impact on the interpretation industry in Europe might also be long-lasting. However, worldwide, the outlook for the language and interpreting industry is much more positive.

Remote Interpreter Services are the New Normal


Are you a professional interpreter in the EU or elsewhere? If so, the easiest way to counter declining demand for interpreters in your area is to embrace remote interpreting.

Worldwide, providers of on-demand remote interpreter services like ourselves at Languagers, are witnessing an uptick in demand for interpreters as a result of Covid-19. However, Covid-19 isn’t the only factor driving demand for remote interpreting.

  • In October 2019, the United Nations began inviting remote interpretation technology platforms to showcase their capabilities to official members in Geneva.
  • Even before Covid-19, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) was the fastest-growing language service in the United States.
  • According to the National Association of State Courts, 90% of law courts in the U.S. already make use of telephone, radio, and VRI interpreting services.

How Can Interpreters Get Started with VRI and Telephone Interpreting?

Are you an interpreter or translator looking to diversify into telephone interpreting or VRI? If so, the easiest way to start is by working with remote interpretation platforms like ourselves at Languagers.

At Languagers, we spend every day connecting professional interpreters with government agencies, medical authorities, and businesses in a wide variety of industries. This being the case, don’t feel helpless if demand for interpreters is declining in your area. Simply sign up to Languagers to start reaching clients remotely.

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