Phone Interpreter Services are Exposing Flaws in Telehealth

Phone Interpreter Services are Exposing Flaws in Telehealth


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During the Coronavirus crisis, demand for over the phone interpreter services has been spiking. This has been particularly evident in the healthcare industry.

Sadly. demand for telephone interpreters in the healthcare industry is exposing major flaws in the way many new Telehealth services are being implemented.

Telehealth Needs to Stop Using Phone Interpreter Services as a Last Resort

On the surface, Telehealth services using over the phone interpreter services to communicate with patients seems like a good thing. After all, this means that Telehealth services can be used by both English and non-English speaking patients. However, according to a recent Verge article, all is not as it seems.

Make no mistake, phone interpreter services like those offered by ourselves at Languagers, do make it easy for medical professionals to connect with non-English speaking patients. However, according to Verge, many Telehealth services are only turning to telephone interpreter services as a last resort.

  • According to Verge, most Telehealth services are being launched with support for English speaking patients only.
  • Often, Telemedicine Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems do not give callers an option to select different language options.
  • In cases were Telehealth apps connect patients directly with medical professionals, there is rarely an option to choose to speak to a medical professional who speaks any language but English.

Because Telehealth systems lack in-built support for patients who speak different languages, healthcare providers are forced to hire telephone interpreters as a last resort. However, this solution is far from ideal.

How Should Telehealth Services Cater to Non-English Speakers?

At Languagers, we make it easy for healthcare professionals to connect quickly with translators and interpreters. Ideally, though, health services should offer support by default for non-English speaking patients.

Is your medical practice, dental surgery, or health center planning to start rolling out Telehealth services? If so, there are ways that you can cater to the needs of non-English speaking patients, without investing in full-time interpreters.

  • Hire a translator at Languagers to translate healthcare app and website information into Spanish and other languages spoken in your area.
  • When setting up Telehealth IVR systems, make sure to record messages in both English, Spanish, and other languages that are spoken by your patients.
  • When launching both apps and IVR systems, make sure that patients have a way to request a consultation with a medical professional where a translator will be present.

Hire Interpreters for Phone Consultations Only When Necessary

When apps and Telehealth IVR systems support non-English speakers, patients will find it easier to request consultations with an interpreter present. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to hire a full-time interpreter.

At Languagers, we make it easy for healthcare professionals to hire telephone interpreters quickly, as interpreters are required. This means that you can serve more patients, without having to directly hire extra employees.

Are you launching a Telehealth service in response to the Covid-19 crisis? If so, find out how Languagers can help by clicking here.  


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