Using Human Interpreter Services vs Google Interpreter Mode

Using Human Interpreter Services vs Google Interpreter Mode


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In December 2019, Google rolled out what it calls ‘Google Interpreter Mode’ on modern Android smartphones. In doing so, Google has made some people question the continued relevance of human interpreter services.

Will Google eventually replace v and interpreters as we know them? Thankfully, the answer to this question is a simple no. Here, we’ll look at a few basic reasons why this is the case.

What is Google Interpreter Mode?

Most people are familiar with Google Translate. — This being the easy to use web app that can instantly translate text from 109 different languages. At its most basic, Google Interpreter Mode builds of this functionality, to offer real-time translation of spoken dialogue.

To use Google Interpreter Mode, simply open your Google smartphone assistant and say something like, “Hey Google, be my Hungarian translator.” When you do, Google Interpreter Mode will begin translating what you say into one of 44 supported languages.


How Does Interpreter Mode Compare to Using Human Interpreter Services?

While many professional translators and interpreters will argue otherwise, Google Interpreter Mode is surprisingly good at translating real-time casual conversations.

If you need to buy a bus ticket in Venice or talk sport among non-English speaking friends, you will often find that Google Interpreter Mode translates dialogue flawlessly. Don’t worry, though. Google Interpreter Mode isn’t going to replace real human interpreter services any time soon.

Using Google Can’t Compare with Using Real Human Interpreter Services

If you are a business owner, you might hear about Google Interpreter Mode and immediately see using this as a potential way to save on the cost of hiring a real interpreter. Don’t get too excited just yet, though.

While Google can capably translate casual conversations, Interpreter Mode isn’t suitable for use in professional business contexts. There are several reasons for this.

  • Unlike a human interpreter, Google Interpreter Mode can’t familiarize itself with the context of conversations.
  • When using Google Interpreter Mode, it is important to remember that Google doesn’t know when it makes a mistake. As a result, something could get translated in error and you would never know.
  • Unlike a human interpreter, Google can’t mediate conversations or relate emotion when translating. Whereas a human interpreter may ask you to repeat something or make sure to express your gratitude when saying “Thank You,” Google can only interpret raw dialogue.

It also needs to be remembered that no conversation you have when using Google Interpreter Mode is private. Google is well-known to harvest, analyze, and share, an obscene amount of data from people who use its services. As it stands, this simply isn’t acceptable when conducting confidential business discussions.

Will Google Eventually Replace Human Translators?

No one knows what the future holds. However, for the reasons we have outlined and many others, it is unlikely that Google will ever make human translators obsolete. There are some things that it is not possible to subtract the human touch from, and translation is one of these.

Check out Languagers Website to see what real-time human interpreters can do for your business.

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