How American Sign Language Services are Rising to Challenges Posed by COVID-19

Demand for American sign language services has skyrocketed since the start of 2020. However, sign language interpreters and translators are also facing new challenges as a result of COVID-19. 

When physically present at events, it is now common to see interpreters wearing masks. However, while masks can help prevent the spread of COVID, they can also impede an ASL translators’ ability to translate speech 100% accurately. 

How Do Masks Affect American Sign Language Services?  

How wearing a face mask impedes an ASL interpreter from being able to translate speech 100% accurately is simple.  

As well as hand gestures, people who use American Sign Language also rely on facial expressions to relate information. This being the case, when interpreters wear a mask, deaf people aren’t able to fully understand what information ASL interpreters are relaying.  

  • For a deaf person, watching an ASL interpreter who is wearing a mask is like listening to a conversation in broken English. 
  • Often, it is difficult to understand the context of a conversation when deaf people can’t read facial expressions or mouth gestures. 
  • In some cases, masks themselves can be distracting. 

Interpreting speech into American Sign Language is also often a highly physical activity. Wearing a mask can, therefore, leave ASL interpreters feeling fatigued and physically uncomfortable. However, this does not have to be the case. 

How are American Sign Language Services are Responding to New Challenges? 

Are you organizing an event where you hope to have an ASL interpreter present? If so, the last thing you want to do is to hire an interpreter who attendees might not be able to fully engage with. Thankfully, our team at Languagers can connect you with fully remote American Sign Language interpreters

When utilizing video interpretation services, you and your customers or event attendees can engage with ASL interpreters via real-time video links. This method of interpretation is also suitable for almost any event or meeting context. 

  • Video ASL interpretation can be used in private meetings (including medical appointments), and a wide variety of customer service contexts. 
  • At large events where large screens are present, ASL interpreters can appear without masks via video from remote locations, where they translate what speakers are saying in real-time to event audiences. 
  • At Languagers, we can connect you with ASL interpreters who can provide flawless video interpretation in a matter of minutes.  

When utilizing video interpretation services, all that is necessary is a reliable Internet connection and access to devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It also always pays to liaise with interpreters ahead of important events or meetings to discuss how conversations or presentations will be structured. 

American Sign Language translation Services

In-Person ASL Interpreting is Still Possible with the Right Precautions 

At Languagers, we are one of America’s leading providers of video remote interpreting. However, we also acknowledge the fact that many deaf people still prefer it when ASL interpreters are physically present in meetings. 

Thankfully, it is still possible to hire in-person ASL interpreters to be present in meetings and at events. It is also possible to do so without having to worry about interpreters wearing masks.  

At large events where ASL interpreters might appear on-stage, following social distancing guidelines will usually be enough to prevent (potential) spread of COVID-19. In theory, this is also true for ASL interpreters present in small meetings and gatherings. However, there are also other ways to ensure event and meeting safety. 

  • When wearing masks is necessary, interpreters and deaf business clients or customers can wear ‘window masks.’ 
  • Window masks are masks with a transparent area that reveals the mouth of wearers. 
  • By being able to see the mouth and facial expressions of wearers, window masks ensure that speech to American Sign Language (and vice versa) can be translated 100% accurately. 

All that needs to be remembered when using window masks, is that businesses should ideally provide these to interpreters and deaf clients or customers. This will ensure that appropriate masks are always available when needed. 

Businesses Should Ask Deaf Clients What Method of ASL Interpretation They Prefer  

Is utilizing video interpretation services the best option for your business? Or might hiring in-person interpreters to be present at meetings and events be a better option? 

As a rule, businesses in America should always attempt to ask deaf customers themselves which method of ASL interpretation they prefer. Often video interpretation will the most low-cost option for businesses. However, some people might not feel comfortable communicating on-screen.  

Thankfully, whichever means of ASL interpretation might be right for you, our team at Languagers can help. To find out how reach out to one of our representatives today by clicking here.   

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