How Long Does it Take to Learn ASL?

Are you thinking about learning sign language? If so, you might be surprised to learn that learning the basics of ASL can take just 60 to 90-hours. By comparison, learning a new spoken language like French can take anywhere from three to six months.

When you learn ASL, you also benefit from being able to learn one of the world’s most widely spoken forms of sign language. Here, we’ll, therefore, look at some of the best ways you can get started.

Why Should You Learn ASL?

If you are looking to broaden your linguistic horizons, learning American Sign Language (ASL) is a fantastic place to start. As a bonus, learning ASL can help you broaden your career horizons.

Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act, all U.S. businesses are required by law to make ASL interpreters available to consumers, colleagues, and prospective job candidates on request. As a result, learning ASL can help you stand out as an asset to future employers — even if you don’t plan to make a career out of interpreting.

Can You Teach Yourself ASL?

In total, there are 26 different ASL hand signs that you will need to master when learning American Sign Language. However, when we say that it can take just 60 to 90-hours to learn ASL, we only mean that this is the approximate amount of time it takes to memorize the ASL alphabet.

To start having conversations in sign language, you will also need to learn how to use 19 different hand shapes and several different facial expressions. Most importantly of all, you will need to start having lots of interaction with real deaf people.

All in all, it is not really possible to teach yourself ASL. If you want to start holding meaningful conversations in ASL, you will need formal instruction and practice. However, it is possible to learn basics like the ASL alphabet to get a head start.

How to Learn ASL Quickly?

The easiest way to learn ASL quickly is to take classes where you will receive formal instruction from real ASL users. However, in the current Covid-19 era, this is easier said than done. Thankfully, though, there is some good news.


At present, several reputable online courses make it easy to learn basic and even more advanced level ASL.

Learn ASL Online at Gallaudet University

Gallaudet University is America’s leading university for deaf students and professional ASL instructors. At present, Gallaudet University also offers four different online ASL courses, each costing just $300.

  • After enrolling at Gallaudet University, you will receive a university-grade sign language education from the most respected deaf university in the United States.
  • Gallaudet University’s four courses take you from being an ASL beginner with no sign language experience, to someone who can create and carry complex narratives and dialogue.
  • Video instruction in each Gallaudet University ASL course, allows you to learn by interacting with other ASL speakers, just like you might in real life.

Learn ASL at Udemy and Skillshare

Do you want to learn ASL, but is $300 per course a little beyond your budget? If so, there are cheaper alternatives to courses at Gallaudet University available from places Udemy and Skillshare. Many of these start at just $50. However, it is important to remember that not all courses are created equal.

If you do hope to use ASL to get noticed by employers, a certificate from Gallaudet University will help you do this. By comparison, a certificate from Udemy probably won’t. This being the case, if you do want to learn ASL, make sure to weigh the pros and cons of different courses carefully.

Check out Languagers Website for more resources.

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