Should an ASL Interpreter You Hire Wear a Mask When Interpreting?

Should an ASL Interpreter You Hire Wear a Mask When Interpreting?

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As a result of the Coronavirus crisis, seeing an ASL interpreter sign the daily news has become the new normal for millions of Americans.

Recently, deaf interpreters have also been praised for helping connecting millions of deaf Americans with essential services like telemedicine during the Coronavirus crisis. However, Covid-19 is still raising new challenges for many deaf people.

The Covid-19 Mask Debacle No One is Talking About

In several states, wearing masks is now mandatory for millions of Americans. Most people also appreciate doing so as a sensible way to curb Covid-19 transmission rates. However, new mask rules are adversely affecting some people in America’s deaf community.

In September, the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe hopes to once again open classrooms to students. However, reopening plans will likely see students have to face coverings.

For students without a hearing impairment, wearing masks is at best an inconvenience. For deaf students, though, (many of whom are not yet fluent in American Sign Language), wearing masks will impede their ability to learn as easily as they might otherwise.

What is the Problem with an ASL Interpreter or Deaf Student Wearing a Mask?

The problem for ASL interpreters, students, and teachers is simple. Contrary to popular belief, American Sign Language is not made up solely of different hand gestures.

As anyone who has seen an ASL interpreter on television recently will realize, American Sign Language uses a wide variety of different facial expressions to relate proper grammar, meaning, and context. This is a problem, as wearing a face covering can make relating extra meaning impossible.

Should an ASL Interpreter You Hire Wear a Mask?

At present, the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe is still deliberating what reopening in September might look like. However, many businesses across America are now also wondering how wearing masks might affect the way that they too communicate with deaf consumers.

Thankfully, in most professional business contexts, masks will not impede communication between deaf interpreters and deaf members of the public. At Languagers, for example, we already make available on-demand Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services.


By utilizing VRI interpreting, you can communicate freely with deaf associates or consumers using an ASL interpreter, who joins meetings via a live video link. In this case, no mask will be required by any party.

What About When Hiring an on-site ASL Interpreter?

Because VRI technology eliminates any risk of Covid-19 transmission, we advise businesses to connect with deaf interpreters this way whenever possible. However, it is also still possible to hire a Languager ASL interpreter who can appear in person at your next meeting or event.


If on-site ASL interpreting is your only option, we advise following the below safety guidelines:

  • Before an interpreter arrives at your location, discuss your event or meeting details with them. When you do, make sure to let them know of any specific social distancing guidelines.
  • At meetings or during events, keep as large a distance as possible between ASL interpreters and meeting members or event attendees.
  • To avoid any confusion or alarm, let everyone present at a meeting or event know why your ASL interpreter and/or any deaf attendees might not be wearing a mask.

It is also worth remembering that the purpose of masks is to stop the spread of Covid-19 from wearers to others. As it stands, you can rest assured that our team at Languagers will never connect you with an ASL interpreter who we have reason to suspect has Covid-19.

Do you need to hire an ASL interpreter but have questions about safety or what VRI interpreting options are available? If so, feel free to reach out to one of our team directly for more information.

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