In America, the Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that all businesses must cater to deaf members of the public. Many businesses, therefore, utilize on-demand sign language interpretation services to provide deaf people with access to American Sign Language interpreters whenever they request assistance.
Does your business already take steps to cater to deaf members of the public? If so, this is fantastic. However, you will likely also have encountered situations where deaf customers decline assistance —specifically because they would prefer to have a friend translate conversations.
Friends and Family Don’t Always Make the Best ASL Translators
Why some deaf people prefer to have friends and family translate conversations is simple. First and foremost, people feel more comfortable having people they know interpret information for them. This is especially true in medical and financial contexts.
Imagine making an appointment with your doctor, only to have a third-party present in consultations. For most people, this feels would feel intrusive. However, during the likes of medical appointments, it is imperative not to rely on anyone who isn’t a professional ASL interpreter.
- Friends and family members are usually more than capable of translating casual/informal conversations. However, they can lack the sign language skills and vocabulary necessary to provide 100% accurate translations in professional situations.
- When an interpreter lacks the vocabulary to translate something being said in English, the content and context of what is being said , can become corrupted.
- It is common for friends and family members to ‘fill in gaps’ in conversations and substitute key phrases and terminology. When this happens, many will substitute words or concepts they do not understand for words and phrases which they think have the same meaning.
Use Professional Sign Language Interpretation Services to Avoid Legal Challenges
Are you a medical doctor, lawyer or financial adviser? If so, you can’t afford not to have a professional ASL translator present when communicating with your clients or patients.
In the best case, translation errors can result in humorous gaffes during considerations. In the worst cases, though, people can agree to start forms of medical treatment they don’t fully understand. Alternatively, people can later feel like they have been mis-sold financial products like mortgages and personal loans.
Naturally, information being altered or lost during translation in this way can result in costly legal challenges. In most cases, these will also see deaf people win disputes, if businesses can be seen to have failed to provide access to fully qualified ASL interpreters.
Friends and Family Can Still be Present During Meetings
Do you have a client who has asked to have a friend or family member interpret an upcoming meeting? If so, let them know that it will be possible for their friend or family to attend. However, also make it clear that you will be required to provide a professional interpreter.
Compromises like this allow deaf people to benefit from the moral and emotional support of a friend or family member. However, they also ensure that everything you and they say is interpreted 100% accurately.
Do you need to hire a professional ASL interpreter? If so, click here to find out how to hire fully qualified and industry vetted interpreters in a matter of seconds.