The Best Videos in Spanish on COVID-19 Prevention

The Best Videos in Spanish on COVID-19 Prevention

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A lot of the mainstream news stories that you hear about the COVID-19 are delivered in the English language. But for people who are native Spanish speakers, they would rather see video media sources provided in the Spanish language.

People must learn how to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and how to protect themselves from contracting the disease. But if they cannot understand the language of the informational news sources, then it doesn’t help them at all.

There are at least three Spanish video sources on YouTube that are worth checking out. Let’s examine each source more carefully.

1) CDC Videos of COVID-19 Risks and Prevention Tips in Spanish (en Español)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC, has its own YouTube channel playlist where they publish videos related to COVID-19. These videos teach viewers the risks associated with contracting the virus as well as ways to prevent getting the virus themselves.

2) How to Stop COVID-19 from Spreading any Further

This video by the CDC is particularly impressive. It talks about how people can stop spreading COVID-19 any further. The various points made in the video include social distancing, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, wearing a mask correctly and staying in quarantine to isolate yourself from others.

A lot of this information is a good reminder of what you’re supposed to do to keep everyone in your community safe. There may not be a full-proof way to stop the spread of the virus, but practicing these tips and strategies is undoubtedly helpful.

3) The Main Symptoms of COVID-19

What are the main symptoms of COVID-19? Many people have probably gotten the COVID-19 without even realizing it. They either didn’t experience any symptoms, or they mistook their symptoms for the common flu.

The CDC released this video to teach people about the main symptoms of COVID-19 and what you should do if you experience them.

4) Here are some of the selected videos in Spanish :

Ways to maintain the health of children with COVID-19 

Answers to children’s questions about COVID-19


The risks for pregnant women who are infected with COVID-19 

Will infected pregnant women give COVID-19 to their babies?

The proper way to wash your hands 

How to manage stress and anxiety 

The CDC is the best place to get information about COVID-19. Ignore the advice of the politicians and people in the media who have their own agenda. Since the CDC is comprised of scientists and doctors, they are the best sources of information that you can rely on.


Do you have other medical materials that you need to be translated into Spanish?

These could be written documents, reports, or even audio discussions in Spanish. In any case, you can visit the Languagers website to find adequate translation or interpreter services for these specific tasks. The Languagers team can translate the written text of documents, interpret English vocals on a phone conversation, and so much more.

Alternatively, if you’re someone who needs Spanish documents and videos translated into English, then Languagers offers that service as well. No matter what language you speak, you can always stay informed without worrying about a language barrier getting in the way ever again!

Do you have any other helpful Videos in Spanish to share with healthcare professionals and patients or people who want to protect themselves and others?

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